
Illinois Valley YMCA


Skill Building & Character Development Happen Here


Boys & Girls will develop skills for dribbling, shooting, passing, and rebounding. YMCA Youth Basketball League at the combines team play and individual skills in a fun and supportive environment. At the YMCA, everybody plays and everybody wins!



League Information:

Co-Ed Grade Divisions  K-1st | 2nd-3rd | 4th-5th

Ages 5-11 years

Practice Begins  Week of January 6, 2025 (one practice per week)
Game Season  January, 18 – March 1, 2025 (Game days are on Saturdays)

Season Length: 7 weeks



  • Date Monday, December 16, 2024 | Time 6:00 – 7:30pm


Registration Information

Early Registration:  October 7 – October 20, 2024

Members:  $59 | Non – Members:  $89

Open Registration: October 21 – December 1, 2024

Members:  $65 | Non – Members:  $95

Late Registration:  December 2 – 8, 2024

Members:  $75 | Non – Members:  $105




300 Walnut Drive
Peru IL 61354

Questions? Contact [email protected] 

Youth Basketball FAQ - 2024 Season

Any child grades K – 5th

Games will be played on Saturdays between 8A – 5P

Yes.  Online registration is available.  Click on the division button above to be redirected to the online registration page of your child’s grade division.

Yes, no one is turned away due to an inability to pay. Those who are interested can pick up a financial assistance form from the YMCA, fill the form out completely and submit any requested documentation.

Yes, but please understand we cannot make any guarantees. We encourage requests for children to play with their friends and coaches they know. You can make player or coach requests on the request line of the registration form.

Because balanced teams are the priority, first we form teams by looking at the skill levels, grade levels and gender. Next we try to fulfill as many requests as we can. Then if it is possible, we try to group kids by the school attending.

To preserve the integrity of balanced teams, kids must register individually. No pre-formed teams may register.

Volunteer coaches are assigned to the teams. The coaches will receive their team packet and rosters on the day of the coaches’ meeting. You will be contacted by your team’s coach either by phone or email by January 1st. When your coach contacts you, you will be informed of your coaches’ name and practice time.

Practices will always be at the YMCA. Volunteer coaches will pick their practice time during the coaches’ meeting. Practice will be one night a week for one hour.

YMCA Youth Basketball is only possible through the generosity of our volunteer coaches. Usually, a parent will volunteer to coach or assist their child’s team but sometimes there can be teams with no coach. Parents are encouraged to get involved and help out by coaching your child’s team.

Practices begin the week of January 8th, 2024. With one practice per week.

Games begin Saturday, January 20th, 2024.

The season runs Saturdays. January 20th-March 9th, 2024. Excluding Saturday, March 2nd.

In the event of extremely bad weather, games may be cancelled and rescheduled. Weather can be unpredictable. If games are cancelled, coaches’ will be contacted and they will contact team members’ parents via email or phone. Also, you may check our Facebook page for updates.

Not all teams will be able to practice more than once. In order to keep the league fair, teams will only practice once per week. If practices are cancelled due to weather, a rescheduled time will be worked out by the coach and YMCA Program Director.

Yes and no, scores will be kept only in the 4th-5th grade division, and win-loss records will not be kept.

The main focus of the program and all YMCA programs is for the children to have FUN!

Our rules try to encourage good sportsmanship and at the YMCA we expect players and coaches to behave in a manner consistent with our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. 

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